27 June 2007

Warning: Global Threat!

Carbon Dioxide levels rise- mercury climbs- oceans warm- glaciers melt- sea levels rise- sea ice thins- permafrost thaws- wildfires increase- lakes shrink- lakes freeze- ice shelves collapse- drought lingers- precipitation increases- mountain streams run dry- spring arrives earlier- autumn comes later- plants flower sooner-migration times vary- habitats change and diminish- birds nest early- diseases spread- exotic species invade- amphibians disappear- coastlines erode- cloud forests dry- temperatures spike at high latitudes- heating up- melting down- What in the world is happening?


The global temperature went up 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past century. With this one degree increase, Florida water rose 9 inches since 1930. Glacier National Park in Montana had an estimated 150 glaciers in 1910. Now there are only about 30 glaciers left. In another thirty years, it is predicted that most or all of the glaciers will be gone and the name of the park will need to be changed. In the last 8 years we have seen the top five hottest years on record.

Ice melting in the artic releases fresh water into oceans, which could change the course of currents that play a vital role in climate. Run off from land glaciers is already contributing to a global rise in sea level. Satellite data shows an approximate 24% decrease in the perennial ice cap in the Arctic at the North Pole. This decrease has occurred just in my lifetime of 28 years. Large areas of ocean have appeared near Russia, Alaska, and Canada--Some projections show that the ice will be gone by summer 2100. This is a big problem for polar bears and other northern species who rely on the ice. It's also a problem for the more than 100 million people worldwide who live within 3 feet of mean sea level.

Attention: Everyone on the East Coast

Tell your children and grandchildren to head for the hills. At best scenario, scientists predict that in 100 years there will be flooding at 4 inches. This takes away a great chunk of both Florida and Long Island's coasts. But wait! Worst case scenario: This will happen in 20 years and Central Florida will be on its way to becoming an island, Long Island a sandbar, and the Empire State Building will be on its way to becoming the world's tallest lighthouse.

Attention: Everyone in the West

Currently there are river reservoirs in the western U.S. that stand at less than half full, such as Lake Powell in Colorado, which supplies hydroelectricity and water to millions living in the southwest. A gripping drought is in its fifth year and if this continues scientists predict drastic water shortages for heavily populated cities like Albuquerque and Tucson in the very near future.

Global Warming is natural, but it is also sped up and exceeded past its natural cycle by heavy amounts of gases and toxic emissions that become trapped in the atmosphere. This pollution comes from Industry, automobiles, and coal-fired electricity plants.
Warning: Global Threat

But new advances in alternative energy--Solar and wind energy and electric and solar powered automobiles can curb global warming. Stronger pollution laws will push companies to do proper maintenance such as the installation of new scrubbers in plants, which can cut up to 95% of emissions and cost as little as 2% of one year's profits. These laws will also DEFINITELY lower cancer rates and improve everyone's overall quality of life.

The immediate obstacle: Politics

Urge presidential candidates to start making Global Warming a priority NOW!

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