31 July 2007

Mainstream orgs now recognizing Meat as major global warming pollution

Al Gore's LIVE EARTH.org has acknowledged the truth about factory farming and its massive effects on the environment. http://www.liveearth.org/?p=243

Go Veg For The Planet!
Producing 2.2 pounds of beef generates as much greenhouse gas as driving a car non-stop for 3 hours, according to a recent study. For more info on the food-climate connection, go to www.chesapeakeclimate.org

Plus by being vegetarian, you will live longer, be healthier and you’ll be freeing up grain that could feed the millions of starving people in the world. Not to mention that you will help stop the pain and suffering of billions of innocent beings every year in this country alone!

Going veg is a win-win situation. Try it - you just might like it!
For tips please visit
, www.tryveg.com

For the animals and the planet.
Cam MacQueen, MSW

We know that a meat-based diet contributes to global warming because of methane released by animal waste, which also pollutes water and crops with run-off. But industrial live-stock farming also uses a lot of fuel to transport those animals to slaughter, and then to the butchers, and then to the stores.

Factory Farms Near You!
Once upon a time, only a decade or so, it wasn't hard to know where factory hog farms were because they were nearly all in North Carolina. But since those days, the practice of crowding together huge concentrations of animals ? hogs, poultry, dairy cows, beef cattle ? in the interests of supposed efficiency has spread around the country.

Wherever it appears, factory farming has two notable effects. It threatens the environment, because of huge concentrations of animal manure and lax regulation. And it threatens local political control. Residents who want a say over whether and where factory farms, whose stench can be overwhelming, can be built find their voices drowned out by the industry's cash and lobbying clout.

These farms are spreading so rapidly that it's been hard to get an accurate, up-to-date picture of where they all are. A research and advocacy group called Food and Water Watch has released an interactive map ? www.factoryfarmmap.org

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