10 May 2007

Barbaric Slaughter

Americans should be appalled at the Canadian government's failure to stop the unnecessary and barbaric greed-inspired seal hunt for yet another year. The subsidies that Canada has poured into the seal hunt since 1995, reportedly more than $20 million, is an investment in absolute cruelty. Moreover, the profit the local fisherman make from this is a mere 2% more than their total income. The seal pups are brutally beaten with clubs or shot with one bullet (and only one bullet to avoid holes in the skin, which would lower the value). The seals are left to die in a slow and inhumane manner. Observers report that Canada's animal welfare regulations are not being followed or enforced as many hunters have been observed and filmed skinning seals while the pups are still alive and conscious. The luxury of fur just isn’t worth the slaughter of the estimated 350,000 baby mammals that will be killed this season.

One way activists have decided to fight this brutality is by boycotting Canadian seafood. But this isn't sufficiently working because most people are not even aware of the issue. Shame on the press for not covering this horrible tragedy. Shame on U.S. legislators of both parties for not putting pressure on Canada.

Visit www.stopthesealhunt.com to learn more about the slaughter.

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